Protecting Your Business from Cyber Crooks

Cyber Security for businesses

Cybersecurity should never be taken lightly, no matter how
small your business is. Unfortunately, as we rely more on technology to run our
businesses, the more prevalent cyber-attacks have become over time.

The good news is there are plenty of steps you can take to
help with your business’s cybersecurity to make you less vulnerable to these

  1. Train your employees: Your employees can be one of the biggest risks to your security. Make sure they receive proper training in things like, how to spot a phishing email, avoiding suspicious downloads, internet usage and creating strong passwords.
  2. Update software: Make sure all of your software, browsers and operating systems are up-to-date. Though those updates may seem annoying, they often contain important security upgrades to help protect your systems.
  3. Back up data: Backing up data on all computers at least weekly is best practice. Store this data either at an offsite location or on the cloud.
  4. Invest in scanning tools: These tools scan networks, servers and website applications for unseen vulnerabilities and threats.
  5. Adopt a mobile device policy: We are all taking our work with us nowadays, meaning tablets and smartphones add another layer of security risk. Make sure devices are encrypted, password protected and security software is installed.

Cyber-attacks pose not only a financial risk, but also a
reputations risk. These are just a few steps to help your business become more
protected. More information on cyber security can be found on The Federal Trade Commission and Small Business Administration’s websites.

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